Julia Smith Photography is the owner of the copyrighted photograph being purchased (the "Work"), hereby grants you the non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, and perpetual right to use, reproduce and distribute the copyrighted Work for personal non-profit purposes, and to incorporate the copyrighted Work, in whole or in part, into derivative works for non-profit distribution.

You are prohibited from using the Work for any other purpose, including: using, reproducing or distributing the Work and/or materials incorporating all or any part of the Work for profit; selling or distributing electronic copies of the Work as standalone files or as part of a product from which a person is able to extract the Work as a standalone file; distributing the Work in or as part of an electronic template (e.g., as an image available in a word processing or web page creation application) intended to be reproduced by third parties on electronic or printed products; or using the Work as part of a trademark, service mark or logo.
Julia Smith Photography retains all other rights in the Work and any derivative work, including without limitation, the right to use, copy, sell, license, and distribute copies of the Work in all markets and territories.
In consideration for the grant of this non-exclusive license, you agree to pay Julia Smith Photography the amount specified, due and payable immediately prior to your downloading a digital copy of the Work.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws designated by Julia Smith, now or in the future.

Some quick tips about copyright 

  • Photographs are copyrighted the moment they are taken, and no copyright notice is required. 
  • Copyright is still violated whether money is charged or not, only damages awarded in the event of a lawsuit are affected by that. 
  • Postings to the net are not granted to the public domain, and don't grant any permission to do further copying. 
  • The "fair use" exemption to U.S. copyright law was created to allow things such as commentary, parody, news reporting, research and education about copyrighted works without the permission of the author, anything outside of those areas is considered a violation. 
  • Copyright is not lost because you don't defend it; that's a concept from trademark law. 
  • Work derived from a copyrighted work is a copyright violation. A derivative is defined as any form of changing an original copyright piece, i.e. lighten/darken, crop, rotate, filter, and combine with other images, etc. still a violation. 
  • Copyright law is mostly civil law where the special rights of criminal defendants you hear so much about don't apply. However, recently in the USA commercial copyright violation involving more than 10 copies and value over $2500 was made a felony. 
  • Don't rationalize that you are helping the copyright holder by advertising their work for FREE; it's not hard to ask permission.